Monday, September 9, 2013

Are you Marketing or are you Selling?

Think about a few of the purchases that you've been most excited about. Let me ask you a question. Did you have to be sold on those purchases? Of course not. I remember when I bought my electric guitar. I knew exactly what I wanted. I had done the research, and I knew what I was looking for.

The truth is that people love to buy, but they hate to be sold. The challenge in Network Marketing is that when a person gets "sold" they know it and it makes them feel horrible. What do you think the chances are of this new distributor building the business if they feel that way? The last thing they want is to make others feel that way as well.

It is clear to me that there is great confusion around the term "Marketing". It's not only people who are new to the Network Marketing industry that are confused, but even many experienced professionals.

I know you've heard it before... "Join now, no selling involved!"

Of course that's not 100% true... How can you generate any income if you aren't selling anything?

Let me attempt to clarify what is meant by this... and how the majority of the people who are using this line, don't even follow their own advice.

There is a major difference between Marketing and Selling. Marketing is the process of getting yourself out there. It's about letting customers know that you have something to offer. I've seen it described as "relationship building". I really like that description, because that is truly the best way to build a Network Marketing business. If you have a solid marketing plan then you should have people coming to you. Now your objective is to show them how they can use your marketing plan to succeed... and they don't even have to hound their friends and family to do it.

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